The Refill Service

The unique lifetime refilling service is a service which guarantees the continuity of the gift of love, a service that maintains and increases the sentimental value of the jewelled flacon, a service that symbolises an unforgettable feeling of achievement, of bliss and togetherness. It is a service of which Designer Shaik’s customers can take advantage, no matter where in the world they find themselves.

The refilling of the flacon is just part of the story; these little bottles are miniature works of art in their own right and the Shaik’s customers consider it desirable that they should be periodically cleaned and refurbished by experts in order to maintain their wonderful sparkle and lustre over the year.

For refill service in the GCC (Bahrain, UAE, KSA, Qatar and Kuwait) please email us at or contact our Customer Care at +973 1759 8043 to know your nearest retailer.

Gold Parfum for Women

Gold Parfum for Men

No.33 Parfum for Women

No.77 Parfum for Men